Three Ways Insight Curation Will Create Enterprise Value (Part V)


By Greg Heist, Chief Innovation Officer & Amy Perifanos, Senior Director, Insight Curation, Gongos, Inc.

In our previous posts, we presented a historical case for how Insight Curation will breed fresh solutions to the complexity of our modern age, mapping out the prowess necessary to move us from researcher to curator.

Yet, unless Insight Curation can unleash new kinds of enterprise value, it will only be an intellectual curio without any meaningful role in the future evolution of our discipline.

Below, we’ve identified three corporate “dividends” for organizations that choose to embrace this philosophy:

I. Create Organizational Cohesion

In all its complexity, the modern corporation is running at an ever-accelerating pace.  As a consequence, this leaves no space for quality “think time.” Moreover, we’ve seen disparate areas of organizations out of sync with each other, and in worse case scenarios, moving in separate directions.

Because Insight Curation is laser-focused on preserving and conveying meaning in consumable ways, it not only jumpstarts organizational comprehension, but enables corporations to act on core consumer wisdom in a unified way.

II. Drive Smart Spending

Global economic and competitive pressures continue to strain budgets. Yet the significant investment organizations continue to spend on gathering information doesn’t always constitute smart spending.  By broadening its audience, Insight Curation drives a higher ROI.  Today, data “commissioned” by a particular team stays with that team.  In a curation-savvy organization, these studies become part of the tapestry of organizational wisdom—accessible to all.

Insight Curation takes a more holistic view of corporate strategy and weaves consumer knowledge into this broader context.  It provides a unique perspective of the overall landscape—what the organization knows and what it doesn’t.  This helps avoid the all-too-common phenomena of duplicating research. It thus ensures new initiatives are highly targeted and create new learnings for the organization.

III. Be a Catalyst for Change

goInnovate has explored at length the need for insights organizations to be a force for catalytic thinking that drives meaningful organizational change.

Embracing the behaviors and mindset of a curator will shift the mindset of a “data librarian” to that of an “agent provocateur.”  It catalyzes deeper thought into the true nature of the problem.  As a curator, you drive the story, offer a bold POV and identify areas of opportunity such as white space, product innovation, and go-to-market strategies.

Insight Curation is more than a clever philosophy.  It is a powerful force for transforming knowledge management and the role of consumer insights within organization.  The era of Insight Curation requires new thinking and visionary leadership to fully realize its potential.

We hope this series of posts has inspired you to the possibilities of Insight Curation and moved you to consider how it could have a similarly transformative effect on your organization.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections on this series, or more specifically, what do you think it will it take to inspire you to commit to curation? We look forward to having you join us on our journey.
